veganocity 2019

2019 is the year, guys. I have struggled with veganocity for the last 2 years. Its been really hard for me to fully rid animal products from my life. But I have decided that this is my year. This is it.

It is getting so much easier to be a vegan. Vegan options are soooo much more readily available then they were a few years ago. And the vegan lifestyle is becoming so much more popular. So many people are choosing a lifestyle with less animal products for so many reasons. I mean doing it for the animals is one big reason but there are so many other reasons to as well. Like for the environment. It is so much more sustainable. And for your health, it is so much better for your body to fill it with plant products and foods that come straight from the earth.

And you definitely don’t have to be a health nut to be vegan. Trust me. Gardein fake meat, daiya fake cheese, lightlife fake hot dogs and fake cheese pizza really save my life as a vegan. There is even vegan White Castle burgers you can get at the supermarket. I mean as a major foodie, these are lifesavers.

Also, finding restaurants around you that have good vegan options is huge. There is an amazing all vegan place right near me which is AMAZING, Simply Green Cafe. That place is a lifesaver. They are also super accommodating when it comes to more environmental options. Like using your reusable cup for their smoothies or bringing in your own take home containers so you don’t use the throw away ones. They are amazing. But you can also download the app, HappyCow, and it will use your location to give you vegan-friendly food places. It’s great and free! And so many restaurants are taking the hint too. There are a lot of places that now offer the impossible burger {which is amazing for burger lovers, it really tastes like meat}. When ordering pizza, I’ll get a veggie pizza with no cheese on it. It’s actually really good and you can still have pizza.

But if going totally vegan is not for you, then try reducing your meat intake. We eat far too much meat as a society so even cutting back will have a major impact. You can also try finding a farm near you and only eating locally raised farm fresh. This is more sustainable for the environment and better for you. You can also find a farm which is more humane.

At the end of the day it’s about being aware. Being aware of what you are putting in your body. Being aware of the impact that has on the world around you. The reality is that we are destroying our planet and hurting living creatures in the process. We shape the society we want to live in, so why can’t that society be one that is kinder to all living beings and more sustainable for our planet?

So join me. 2019 is the year, guys.



Guys, I have been a self-proclaimed meat lover my entire life. I thought I could never survive without chicken. I loved chicken so much, I craved it for every meal. On top of that, I grew up in a house with 6 siblings. Growing up, you ate whatever was given to you. We did not waste. We did not complain. So for the longest time I told myself and everyone else, I could never be a vegan. I mean how could I give up chicken nuggets? How could I make a fuss about what I can and can’t eat? I never like to be difficult. Well, I did give it up, and I’m quite happy.  

I watched a video on Facebook of James Aspey, a vegan activist from Australia, about two months ago. It changed my entire mentality. I had always been intrigued by the idea of being a vegan because I am a very socially aware and caring person. But after watching this video, it gave me a whole new perspective. It’s not that he said anything I didn’t know already, but he opened my mind to a side I had not thought of. If I am not okay with killing or harming other human beings, how can I be okay with killing and harming animals? Just because I like the taste?

Now I have never really been an animal lover, I always thought they should be treated properly, but I’m not what you would call an animal person. { i have always loved los elephantes 😉 } And in our house, we always had open discussions. We talked a lot about the circle of life, needing animals for survival. But we are far past that. In this current climate, the way we handle animals, their meat and bi-products, is not for survival. It’s not about the circle of life. We show no respect towards the life that we are taking for our survival. We are slaughtering these animals in extreme excess, it’s terrible not only for the animals but for our environment as well.

Not eating dairy anymore was easy. I have never really enjoyed milk so I didn’t really miss it. I like cheese, but it was not that difficult to drop. And then when I did some research on how horrible they treat the animals to get their bi-products, it definitely made my decision a lot easier. How could I, in good conscience, continue to be a part of this system which abuses living beings and then slaughters them? All for the purpose of taste and human excess? We are destroying our planet and the creatures living on it.

Still, I am not opposed to eating animals for survival. I do still see the merit in eating meat that is sustainably raised and humanely treated. You are still killing a living being but that is the circle of life. I think we need to find some kind of balance. In America, we eat waaaay more meat than necessary. If we cut back, we can find a way to make this sustainable and humane. We also must stop supporting companies which run their businesses without thinking about the animals or our planet. Support local farms and businesses. Then you can see how the animals are being treated, reduce waste, and stimulate the local economy.

I’m now almost two months into this veganocity journey. And I love it. It has made me branch out a lot. I have tried so many new and different foods, that I would not have before. I haven’t really even missed meat that much. Although, I have slipped up.. I have had a few occasions where I did not want to be difficult or celebrated siblings birthdays with meat. { or was suuuuper hungover and needed something greasy } To be honest, they were not even that satisfying. { other than the hangover food } I’m still getting used to this. It’s hard reversing my whole mentality, but it’s totally worth it. It helps that I have my little sister on this journey with me.

All in all, I feel better on this journey. And if you are thinking about taking your own veganocity journey, then I say, go for it. And I would be happy to go on that journey with you!

Peace, yo.